Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a sibling discount?

    • Yes, you may use the code SIBLING5 for each camper if you are enrolling two campers into the same week.

  • Is there a discount when enrolling the same camper for multiple weeks?

    • Yes, you can use the code MULTIWEEK5 for each week that you are enrolling a camper as long as they are enrolling for more than one week.

  • What will my child be doing all day?

    • The beauty of small groups is that the flow of the day will depend on the campers involved that day. We will have many planned activities that include learning about flora and fauna, intertidal zones, field games, survival skills, team building, self confidence games, and lots of nature art opportunities. If a student sees something that they want to learn about or something exciting then we will take those “teachable moments” and run with them. Maybe we end up taking an hour to build a huge sand castle with drawbridges and an epic moat. Maybe we find a tree that would be perfect to build a zip-line pully system onto or attach a homemade swing to a branch. With safety being our number one priority, after that we lead with curiosity! Campers will gain confidence and learn how to use their imaginations to play and teamwork skills while following their interests.

  • What if we need to pick our camper up early?

    • Some locations are easier to pick up kids earlier than others. On Mondays and Fridays we will be down at the bottom of the Diamond Creek trail so parents would have to hike down if they want to grab their child up before 3:30. The rest of the days you should be able to pick your camper up earlier. Let me know ahead of time if you can so we can arrange an earlier pick-up.

  • What if the weather is AWFUL!

    • Campers will have their rain gear and I will bring various shelters for us to play and hide in. Most of our locations also have fire pits and pavilions to hide and play under.

  • What happens if my child needs medical attention?

    • Molly and any other staff are equipped with a first aid kit and are trained in emergency procedures. If a camper requires medical attention beyond what we can provide on-site, we will contact you immediately and arrange for approriate care or call emergency services if needed.

  • Will my younger camper be able to keep up?

    • Yes! We will NEVER leave anybody behind. All campers will be able to keep up and we will make sure the pace is good for all campers and abilities. The older kids can help the younger ones or maybe even the younger kids will help the older ones! Basically, we will all just help each other. My 5 and 6 year olds will be campers as well!

  • What is Experiential Education?

    • Experiential education is a teaching method that involves students directly experiencing and reflecting on real-world situations. The goal is to help students develop skills, knowledge, and values, and to learn how to contribute to their communities.